This section contains past and future RRISIQ events (workshops and conferences). It is possible to filter among the different categories of events by checking the boxes below the calendar.

RRISIQ eventNovember 21, 2023 12:00:00 - 13:00:00

Explorer la modélisation de Rasch pour la conception d’outils destinés à la mesure d’apprentissages complexes dans les programmes de formation en santé [In French]

This scientific activity will allow participants to become familiar with the theoretical foundations of Rasch modeling. It will also allow them to explore the use of a clinical reasoning assessment tool, the script concordance test. This webinar is offered for free and is open to everyone. However, registration is required to participate. This webinar will not be recorded.
RRISIQ eventNovember 9, 2023 11:30:00 - 12:30:00

Des revues en sciences de la santé plus accessibles? Défis, leçons apprises et opportunités de deux revues en libre accès [in French]

More than twenty years after the Budapest Open Access Initiative, policies are being put in place by public research funding bodies, and a movement is advocating for the acceleration of the transition to free access to research outcomes on the Internet. The "diamond" publication model is free to access and incurs no charges for authors. Drawing from the experience of two diamond journals in health, this activity will allow participants to better understand this evolving context and to discuss these challenges.
RRISIQ eventNovember 7, 2023 12:00:00 - 13:00:00

Détresse psychologique et intention d’abandonner la formation infirmière au Québec : quelles conditions de réalisation des études sont impliquées, et comment... [in French]

By attending this webinar, you will learn more about the conditions of conducting studies, namely the psychosocial risks and the challenges of balancing study-work-personal life, associated with psychological distress and the intention to drop out of a nursing education program. This webinar is offered for free and is open to everyone. However, registration is required to participate. This webinar will be recorded.
RRISIQ eventOctober 31, 2023 12:00:00 - 13:00:00

Prédire, prévenir et contrôler les blessures morales chez le personnel du secteur de la santé confrontés à une crise sanitaire [in French]

This webinar will present the results of a research project conducted among health workers who contributed to the treatment of patients affected by COVID-19. This webinar is offered for free and is open to everyone. However, registration is required to participate. This webinar will be recorded.
RRISIQ eventOctober 24, 2023 12:00:00 - 13:00:00

Dynamique du pouvoir soignant soigné et construction des facteurs de stigmatisation, exclusion sociale et vulnérabilité affectant la santé [in French]

The dynamics of the caregiver-patient power and the relationships of domination in health and their roles in the construction of social exclusion factors are the main themes addressed in this presentation. It is an analysis based on research conducted with a vulnerable population and enriched by current facts from our care environments. Webinar offered free of charge to everyone. Registration required. Please note that this webinar will not be recorded.
RRISIQ eventOctober 10, 2023 12:00:00 - 13:00:00

Introduction à la science de la mise en œuvre (Implementation Science) : Assises théoriques, approches méthodologiques et facteurs clés de réussite [in French]

This webinar will address the historical roots of implementation science, exploring its evolution, disciplinary origins, and its growing significance in the current scientific landscape. The webinar is offered free of charge to everyone. Registration is required. Please note that this webinar will not be recorded.