RRISIQ eventFebruary 26, 2025 12:00:00 - 13:15:00

Comment favoriser la pérennité des pratiques et des interventions fondées sur des données probantes ? État des connaissances et pistes de recherche future

Worldwide, it is estimated that a quarter of a trillion US dollars is spent annually in the public and private sectors on biomedical, clinical and health services research. Unfortunately, it appears that much of this colossal sum is unnecessarily wasted. For example, only a small fraction of research findings are translated into measurable and sustainable changes in clinical practice and health policy, leading to improved healthcare and patient outcomes. The definitions and conceptions of sustainability most commonly used in implementation science will be presented, as well as theories, models and conceptual frameworks relevant to studying, planning, evaluating and/or optimizing sustainability. Tools and guides to support clinicians and managers in developing a sustainability plan for their practice transformation project will also be presented. Finally, research avenues for advancing knowledge on sustainability will be discussed.
Video libraryFebruary 2, 2025

Développement et implantation d'un outil de mesure de la charge de travail des infirmières praticiennes: une étude de faisabilité

Cette conférence présentera les résultats d’une étude de faisabilité quant au développement et à l’implantation d’un indice de mesure de la charge de travail en ligne des infirmières praticiennes, l’ICT-IP. La collecte de données s’est déroulée de janvier à juillet 2024 dans trois régions du Québec et inclut des IPSPL, des gestionnaires et des patients. 
RRISIQ eventJanuary 22, 2025 12:00:00 - 13:00:00

Développement et implantation d'un outil de mesure de la charge de travail des infirmières praticiennes: une étude de faisabilité

This conference will present the results of a feasibility study into the development and implementation of an online workload measurement index for nurse practitioners, the ICT-IP. Data collection took place from January to July 2024 in three regions of Quebec and includes NPs, managers and patients.
RRISIQ newsDecember 20, 2024

Congratulations to Mr. Marc-André Maheu-Cadotte on his new role at the OIIQ starting in January 2025.

The Quebec Network on Nursing Intervention Research (RRISIQ) announces that Mr. Marc-André Maheu-Cadotte, who currently holds the position of Executive Director of the RRISIQ, will step down at the end of December 2024 to take on new professional challenges.
Video libraryDecember 10, 2024

Intégrer le groupe de codéveloppement professionnel aux pratiques de soutien clinique pour développer les compétences d’évaluation infirmière... [in French].

This activity aims to present the fundamentals of the professional co-development group, along with the steps and various concrete strategies to support its implementation.
Video libraryDecember 3, 2024

Le transfert intégré des connaissances : le fondement d’une équipe de recherche [in French].

This activity aims to present the foundations of the integrated knowledge application approach, which underpins Prof. Poitras' team’s vision for knowledge transfer.
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