This section contains past and future RRISIQ events (workshops and conferences). It is possible to filter among the different categories of events by checking the boxes below the calendar.
RRISIQ event•March 26, 2025 12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Projet Racontage : mesurer et contrer l’âgisme chez les personnes étudiantes en sciences infirmières et en psychologie en les initiant aux interventions de réminiscence.

The purpose of this activity is to present the results of a research project funded by the RRISIQ from 2023 to 2025, as part of the Support for Innovative and Structuring Projects 2023-2024 competition. The first objective of this project was to measure the presence of paternalistic ageism among students in the Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Psychology programs at two Quebec universities. The second objective was then to explore, in the form of a pilot project, whether initiating reminiscence interventions with seniors in independent living residences could influence students' perceptions of seniors. In parallel, impressions, feelings and perceived effects were explored in all participants. The acceptability of the interventions was also assessed with the seniors, followed by their feasibility by the students and two researchers.
Participating in this activity will enable you to gain a better understanding of paternalistic ageism among students, and to consider possible educational interventions for inclusion in their training programs. You'll also hear a wealth of comments from participants, both seniors and students, about their appreciation of reminiscence interventions and the positive effects this experience has had on them, from their own perspective. As for the students, their comments testify to the ability of the reminiscence sessions to change their perception of seniors, and to foster the development of attitudes and skills conducive to a person-centred, relationship-based approach.
RRISIQ event•March 20, 2025 12:00:00 - 13:30:00
Co-création et mise en œuvre d’un programme multimodal de préadaptation en oncologie pour les patients et leurs proches

Intervening with patients and their families as soon as they are diagnosed with cancer has unique benefits for their physical and psychological health, as well as for their care. Physical activity during the pre-adaptation (pre-treatment) phase has been shown to promote patients' overall health by optimizing functional, physical, metabolic and psychosocial capacities. By combining complementary interventions such as physical activity, nutrition, psychosocial support and motivational techniques, multimodal pre-rehabilitation maximizes health benefits and promotes lasting behavioral change.
The coACTIF multimodal tele-rehabilitation program, co-developed by our team in collaboration with patient and family partners, includes an exercise component offering virtual, supervised group sessions, and an educational component offering informative content on physical activity, sleep, nutrition, well-being and motivation in the form of video, written content and quizzes.
This conference will present the coACTIF co-creation process, its intervention modalities, its content and the evaluation of its implementation in three Quebec hospitals. We will also present our approach to adapting the coACTIF program to the realities and needs of men from diverse backgrounds.
RRISIQ event•March 13, 2025 12:00:00 - 13:30:00
Un modèle de soins à domicile dont le Québec a besoin : L’exemple d’une étude mixte inspirée par et réalisée avec des professionnelles de la santé

Homecare should incorporate a palliative approach to enhance the quality of life of the elderly or chronically ill, and avoid emergency room visits or hospitalization. However, access to such an approach is rare. In Quebec, a local community service center (CLSC) has developed an innovative model incorporating this approach.
With a view to promoting this model to better serve the population, the health professionals involved in this program realized that this model needed to be studied to demonstrate its effects, so that it could be integrated into other CLSCs. But it's difficult to evaluate a model without a clear understanding of its unique characteristics.
So a mixed-methods study was designed in collaboration between clinicians and researchers to describe this innovative DAS model - its structure, processes and effects. This project has both a qualitative and a quantitative component, the results of which will be integrated. It also led to the production of a systematized narrative review on the subject.
In the form of a dialogue between members of our team, we will present the unique genesis of this project, our experiences in carrying out its various components, as well as preliminary results and future prospects. Our event will allow you to witness this research process rooted in a concrete need that emerged from the clinical environment, as well as our experiences working together.
RRISIQ event•February 26, 2025 12:00:00 - 13:15:00
Comment favoriser la pérennité des pratiques et des interventions fondées sur des données probantes ? État des connaissances et pistes de recherche future

Worldwide, it is estimated that a quarter of a trillion US dollars is spent annually in the public and private sectors on biomedical, clinical and health services research. Unfortunately, it appears that much of this colossal sum is unnecessarily wasted. For example, only a small fraction of research findings are translated into measurable and sustainable changes in clinical practice and health policy, leading to improved healthcare and patient outcomes.
The definitions and conceptions of sustainability most commonly used in implementation science will be presented, as well as theories, models and conceptual frameworks relevant to studying, planning, evaluating and/or optimizing sustainability. Tools and guides to support clinicians and managers in developing a sustainability plan for their practice transformation project will also be presented. Finally, research avenues for advancing knowledge on sustainability will be discussed.
RRISIQ event•January 22, 2025 12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Développement et implantation d'un outil de mesure de la charge de travail des infirmières praticiennes: une étude de faisabilité

This conference will present the results of a feasibility study into the development and implementation of an online workload measurement index for nurse practitioners, the ICT-IP. Data collection took place from January to July 2024 in three regions of Quebec and includes NPs, managers and patients.
RRISIQ event•December 10, 2024 12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Intégrer le groupe de codéveloppement professionnel aux pratiques de soutien clinique pour développer les compétences d’évaluation infirmière... [in French].

This activity aims to present the fundamentals of the professional co-development group, along with the steps and various concrete strategies to support its implementation. The webinar is offered free of charge and is open to everyone. However, registration is mandatory to participate. This webinar will be recorded.
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