In this section you will find videoclips from RRISIQ conferences but also from non RRISIQ events. To filter among these two categories just check /uncheck boxes at the top left of the page.

Video libraryDecember 10, 2024

Intégrer le groupe de codéveloppement professionnel aux pratiques de soutien clinique pour développer les compétences d’évaluation infirmière... [in French].

This activity aims to present the fundamentals of the professional co-development group, along with the steps and various concrete strategies to support its implementation.
Video libraryDecember 3, 2024

Le transfert intégré des connaissances : le fondement d’une équipe de recherche [in French].

This activity aims to present the foundations of the integrated knowledge application approach, which underpins Prof. Poitras' team’s vision for knowledge transfer.
Video libraryNovember 27, 2024

Intégration d’une théorie à une étude à méthodes mixtes : de la conceptualisation à l’interprétation des résultats, comment s’y prendre ? [in French]

The webinar explains the process of selecting a theory and demonstrates the approach for integrating a theory into the various phases of the research process, from conceptualization to the interpretation of results.
Video libraryNovember 27, 2024

Soutenir la transition et l’intégration des infirmières nouvellement diplômées par un programme de résidence en soins infirmiers : revue des écrits et perspectives d’avenir [in French].

In this webinar, the structure of nursing residency programs are presented, key recommendations for ensuring their sustainability are discussed, and Quebec experiences are shared to highlight the main challenges related to their implementation.
Video libraryNovember 20, 2024

L’analyse situationnelle : la mobilisation d’une approche théorie-méthode pour mieux comprendre les pratiques de soins en contexte de violence à caractère sexuel [in French].

This webinar addresses the contribution of situational analysis in examining nursing practices in sexual health following the #MeToo movement, while considering the complex dynamics related to sexual violence and the ongoing social movements.
Video libraryOctober 29, 2024

Accompagner l’aîné, le proche et l’intervenant dans le continuum de sécurité routière: Présentation d’une trousse sur la capacité à conduire de la personne aînée [in French].

This activity aims to present a toolkit on the driving ability of older adults, with the objective of raising awareness among older adults and their loved ones about the necessary skills for driving, as well as helping them consider and adopt alternatives to driving.
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