This section contains past and future RRISIQ events (workshops and conferences). It is possible to filter among the different categories of events by checking the boxes below the calendar.

RRISIQ eventJanuary 30, 2017 09:00:00 - 12:00:00

Workshop "Revues systématiques et méta-analyse: l'utilisation du logiciel RevMan"

ACTIVITY PRESENTED BY:Dr Chantal Roy, MSc MBA PMP CCRPAssistant to the Head of UnitUnité de recherche clinique appliquée (URCA)Assistant to the Director, Clinical researchResearch Center of the Saint-Justine University Hospital RevMan is a free us...
RRISIQ eventJanuary 24, 2017 12:00:00 - 13:30:00

Conference: "La pratique infirmière à l’ère de la cybersanté."

PRESENTED BY:José Côté, RN, PhDFull professor Faculté des sciences infirmièresUniversité de MontréalandGeneviève Rouleau, RN, PhD(c)Faculté des sciences infirmièresUniversité LavalAbstractThe deployment of information and communications technologi...
Non RRISIQ eventJanuary 11, 2017 11:30:00 - 12:30:00

SIDIIEF Conference: "Pratique infirmière avancée : résultats de recherche"

"Pratique infirmière avancée : résultats de recherche"Quality of care and patient safetyWednesday, January 11th 2017 / 11:30 am (ETM/ UTC -5 )SpeakerSean CLARKE, nurse, PhDassociate dean for undergraduate programs and professor, William F. Connell...
Non RRISIQ eventDecember 14, 2016 11:30:00 - 12:30:00

SIDIIEF conference: "Impact des infirmières et infirmiers à la qualité des soins et la sécurité des patients : des leçons du RN4CAST"

« IMPACT DES INFIRMIÈRES ET INFIRMIERS À LA QUALITÉ DES SOINS ET LA SÉCURITÉ DES PATIENTS : DES LEÇONS DU RN4CAST »Quality of care and patient safetyWednesday, December 14th 2016 / 11:00 am (ETM/ UTC -5 )SpeakerWalter SERMEUS, nurse, PhD (Public o...
RRISIQ eventDecember 12, 2016 12:00:00 - 13:30:00

Conference: "Mieux se connaître pour mieux se réseauter : Portrait de la recherche au département des sciences infirmières de l’UQTR."

Presented by :Patricia Germain, N, PhD Associate professor, Director Département des sciences infirmièreMarie-Josée Martel, N, PhD Associate professorRoxanne Lemieux, PhDAssistant professorNicolas Berthelot, PhD Assistant professorLyne Cloutier, N...
RRISIQ eventNovember 10, 2016 12:00:00 - 13:30:00

Conference: "Nursing Intervention Development Research: The Process in Four Different Contexts"

PRESENTED BY:Nancy Feeley, N, PhDAssociate ProfessorIngram School of NursingMcGill UniversitySylvie Lambert, N, PhDAssistant ProfessorIngram School of NursingMcGill UniversityMelanie Berubé, NPhD studentIngram School of NursingMcGill Genest, N, de...