This section contains past and future RRISIQ events (workshops and conferences). It is possible to filter among the different categories of events by checking the boxes below the calendar.

Non RRISIQ eventApril 23, 2015 11:59:00 - 14:00:00

Conference: Nursing reflective practice in clinical settings

Conference: Nursing reflective practice in clinical settingsConference organized by the Faculté des sciences infirmières de l'Université de MontréalSpeaker : Véronique Dubé, RN, PhD
Non RRISIQ eventApril 8, 2015 11:59:00 - 14:00:00

Conférence : La philosophie en sciences infirmières? Un paysage pluriel et engagé pour la discipline et la profession

La philosophie en sciences infirmières? Un paysage pluriel et engagé pour la discipline et la professionDévelopper des savoirs en sciences infirmières... voilà un projet engageant pour communauté scientifique de la Faculté des sciences infirmières...
RRISIQ eventMarch 13, 2015 10:00:00 - 11:30:00

Conference « RCTs and Knowledge Translation: Why do we let the Perfect be the enemy of the Good »

Presented by : Sumit R. Majumdar, MD MPH FRCPC FACPProfessor of MedicineEndowed Chair in Patient Health ManagementFaculties of Medicine and Dentistry and Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesUniversity of AlbertaNO PLACE AVAILABLE ANYMORERCTs are t...
Non RRISIQ eventFebruary 18, 2015 00:00:00 - February 20, 2015 12:00:00

Annual scientific Meeting 2015 : SQLNM, CMDO du FRQS et du Congrès COLOSSUS

Annual scientific Meeting 2015 de la societe québécoise de lipidologie, de nutrition et de métabolisme (SQLNM), du Réseau de recherche en santé cardiométabolique, diabete et obésité (CMDO) du FRQS et du Congrès COLOSSUS
RRISIQ eventFebruary 17, 2015 09:00:00 - 11:59:00

Workshop : Conférence : Revues systématiques, Cochrane et méta-analyse - historique et utilités -

Presented by:Dr Jacques LacroixM.D., F.R.C.P.C., F.A.A.P. Paediatrician researcher - CHU - Hôpital Sainte-JustineRegistration: Before February 2nd,  2015 - Click on the blue button on the top left side of this page ( only for people : Please conta...
RRISIQ eventDecember 8, 2014 09:30:00 - 11:30:00

Budget of a clinical study

Presented by:Chantal Roy, MSc MBA PMP CCRPAssistant to the Head of Applied Clinical Research Unit (URCA)& Assistant to the Director, Clinical Research SectorCHU Sainte-Justine Research CentreThe presentation is open to anyone interested in the iss...