Presented by : Sumit R. Majumdar, MD MPH FRCPC FACP
Professor of Medicine
Endowed Chair in Patient Health Management
Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry and Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Alberta


RCTs are the gold standard of perfect evidence, but are too often considered by journals, peer reviewers, and research funders as the only way to evaluate KT interventions; on the other hand many researchers end up conducting uncontrolled before-after studies of limited validity for a variety of pragmatic and other reasons.  Using examples from his KT research program Dr Majumdar shows a number of potential study designs that are not “perfect” but are good enough to lead to peer-reviewed funding, publication in major journals, and changes in clinical practice. 

To request visioconference: please contact

Conference from 10 to 11 : 30 am : Registration on line ( if in person, on site)
Individual session for 15 min or 30 min during the afternoon ( only for RRISIQ regular members) : please contact
Event 110/135