Dr. D. Reis Miranda
Emeritus Professor
University Medical Center of Groningen

"The NURSING ACTIVITIES SCORE (NAS) helps manage the nursing care provided to patients and their families in intensive care units (ICU) and allows the estimate of nursing care related costs in that context.  Using this tool is essential for the sound management of human resources and to maintain nursing care quality and the security of patients.
The NAS tool is the result of the collaborative effort of a vast research network composed of researchers and clinicians coordinated by Dr. Dinis dos Reis Miranda. The initiative of the NAS development is aligned with the results of the EURICUS project (European ICU Studies): a series of studies financed by the European community, involving controlled randomized testing on efficacy and efficiency of health care. The greater EURICUS project envisaged a broader evaluation of the organization and management of services in Europe in order to analyse the lack of uniformity of patient outcomes and the great variability in costs associated with health care provided to patients hospitalized in an ICU.
Since its inception, international interest for NAS has kept growing and this tool is now recognized as the promising instrument for efficient nursing care related cost management in ICUs. Dr Miranda’s conference will address the question of the added value of using NAS in estimating costs directly related to nursing care provided to patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit."

Registration only for onsite people: Online
To request videoconference, please contact

Videoconference request deadline: March 21st 2016, 4 p.m.

Event 98/136