Invited Speakers: Carl-Ardy Dubois, MD, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Jacinthe Pepin, RN, PhD.

Presentation Summary :
Over the past 30 years, the training programs leading to certification as a nurse and the requirements for entry into nursing practice have evolved considerably both in Canada and internationally. In Quebec, the debate continues on whether or not to strengthen the entry into practice requirements. The recent report of the working group on training the next generation of nurses reflects the difficulty in rallying the main actors involved in decisions concerning the training and employment of nurses in Quebec around a common vision and guidance. This presentation will report on the results of a comparative study conducted by a group of researchers from different universities of Quebec. This study focused on seven countries and three Canadian provinces. It demonstrates that the transformation of nursing education provided, in different contexts, a powerful lever that has been mobilized to deal with challenges faced by health systems. The presentation will highlight a number of lessons that can be learned from these international experiences to inform the ongoing debate in Quebec.

Carl- Ardy Dubois holds a Ph.D. in Public Health from Université de Montréal. He completed a multidisciplinary education and conducted studies in medicine, health services administration, epidemiology and statistics. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Nursing at Université de Montréal, Scientific Director of FERASI (Centre for training and research expertise in nursing administration) and Senior Fellow of the FRSQ. He is also RRISIQ's Associate Director.

Jacinthe Pepin holds a Ph.D. in Nursing from the University of Rochester, NY. She is a professor and director of the Centre for Innovation in Nursing Education (CIFI) at the Faculty of Nursing at Université de Montréal. She is the Scientific Director of the research team Équipe FUTUR on academic training focused on health professionals' training, funded by FRQSC. She is also RRISIQ's Associate Director.

To register for this event: 

Accreditation: La Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec, fully accredited lifelong learning organization by the Collège des médecins du Québec, recognizes 1.5 hours of credits from category 1 to participants in this activity, as long as the code of ethics of the Conseil québécois de développement professionnel continu des médecins (CQDPCM) is respected.

Poster of the conference:
Event 122/136