In this section you will find all the news articles written by the RRISIQ team. Whether it is to summarize our past events (workshops and conferences), to announce a competition for fellowships or grants, to announce events and competitions by other organizations and institutions that can be of interest to our members, or many other occasions, this section contains all the latest RRISIQ news!
RRISIQ news•June 10, 2014
Congratulations to our laureates for RRISIQ fellowships 2014-2015!
Université de MontréalKhadra, Christelle (PhD candidate) for her project "Évaluation de l'efficacité d'interventions de distraction virtuelle pour la gestion de la douleur procédurale et de l’anxiété d’enfants ayant subi des brûlures." under the d...
RRISIQ news•May 20, 2014
A first Scientific Day for "l'Équipe FUTUR"
RRISIQ news•May 5, 2014
RRISIQ is proud to have 3 of its members among FRQS research scholars for 2014-2015
Our member who had her first award:Roxane Borges Da Silva (Junior 1) - Université de Montréal, for her project "Évolution de l'organisation des services de première ligne et effets sur l'uitlisation des services de santé par les patients"Our membe...
RRISIQ news•May 5, 2014
Renewal for a further 4 years for RRISIQ!
We are pleased to confirm RRISIQ funding from FRQ-S has been renewed for a period of 4 years. We look forward to continue developing and supporting nursing intervention research. Check back here regularly for more information our next competitions...
RRISIQ news•April 14, 2014
The CSSS du Nord de Lanaudière receives $ 250,000 from the OIIQ Foundation for a project involving RRISIQ members
RRISIQ news•March 25, 2014
Prix Florence 2014: our members are honored
In Montreal on May 7th, seven nurses will be honored in the context of the Soirée des Prix Florence organized by OIIQ. Among these, four are members of RRISIQ (regular members and clinicians). These laureates contribute to the field in an exemplar...