In this section you will find all the news articles written by the RRISIQ team. Whether it is to summarize our past events (workshops and conferences), to announce a competition for fellowships or grants, to announce events and competitions by other organizations and institutions that can be of interest to our members, or many other occasions, this section contains all the latest RRISIQ news!

RRISIQ newsSeptember 12, 2013

Numerous grants were awarded for our researchers during Summer 2013

Support for publications laureates:Catherine Balg (ex-boursier FERASI, CHU de Québec) «Les équipes soignantes à l'urgence: illustration de compétences collectives à l'œuvre»Hayet Belaid (Université de Montréal) «Effect of a nursing intervention on...
RRISIQ newsSeptember 10, 2013

RRISIQ participation at the COINN's 8th edition

RRISIQ is proud that several of our researchers contributed to the 8th International Neonatal Nursing Conference 2013 from 5 - 8 September, 2013 at the Belfast Waterfront, Northern Ireland, UK.The COINN conference is a platform for nurses and heal...
RRISIQ newsSeptember 4, 2013

Congratulations to our laureates for RRISIQ fellowships 2013-2014!

Université Laval:Geneviève Rouleau (PhD fellow) "Évaluation des effets de l’implantation d’une intervention de télésoins sur la pratique des infirmières" under the supervision of Dr Marie-Pierre Gagnon and Dr José Côté Université de Montréal:Patri...
RRISIQ newsAugust 8, 2013

Videos of RRISIQ events are online!

Did you miss our café scientifique from last June 10th ? We have some good news: you  may now see the event's video in our "News" section, by clicking on the event's name, and also by visiting our Vimeo page ( This ...
RRISIQ newsJuly 25, 2013

RRISIQ supports your research projects - read about our ongoing competitions:

RRISIQ members may at this time submit their application to receive publication support, to participate to a conference, and for international research internships. Visit our section "Support for research" to know more!
RRISIQ newsMay 2, 2013

RRISIQ Members's Assembly 2013 in Montreal

Le 2 mai 2013, le RRISIQ a tenu son Assemblée annuelle qui a réuni environ 80 participants autour du thème "La recherche en interventions infirmières : un levier pour de meilleurs soins". Chercheurs et étudiants provenant d’universités québécoises...
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