In this section you will find all the news articles written by the RRISIQ team. Whether it is to summarize our past events (workshops and conferences), to announce a competition for fellowships or grants, to announce events and competitions by other organizations and institutions that can be of interest to our members, or many other occasions, this section contains all the latest RRISIQ news!

RRISIQ newsOctober 28, 2013

Call for Postdoctoral Scholarship by FAPESP (Brazil)

The Research Group on “Rehabilitation and Quality of Life” of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing will select a postdoctoral fellow to participate to the Thematic Project funded by FAPESP entitled “The rehabilitation a...
RRISIQ newsOctober 23, 2013

Do you qualify for a US $5,000 research grant provided jointly by Sigma Theta Tau International and the Canadian Nurses Foundation?

This grant supports research that advances the practice of nursing with an emphasis on nursing care issues that are practice-based or that will provide the groundwork for future practice-based research studies. Research funded through this grant m...
RRISIQ newsOctober 8, 2013

A Webinar by the SPOR Network "Foundations in Integrated Health Care Innovations"

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) announced at the end of September 2013 the creation of the Foundations of Integrated Health Care Innovations Network under their Strategy for Patient Oriented Research (SPOR). On October 1st an hos...
RRISIQ newsOctober 7, 2013

RRISIQ is offering funds for students projects

RRISIQ is offering funds for students projects (7500$ max)This competition is open only to students of McGill University and University of Montreal due to the RESERVED UNIVERSITIES budget available in these institutions (October 2013)Eligible (MSc...
RRISIQ newsSeptember 27, 2013

"Organizing for quality and safety-evidence about what matters in nursing care"

On September 18th RRISIQ had the pleasure to welcome Dr Anne Sales (RN, PhD) from the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Michigan to give a lecture on the organization for the quality and safety of nursing care. Dr. Sales’ research focuses on...
RRISIQ newsSeptember 27, 2013

RRISIQ September 2013 Newsletter is out!

Read it online here: receive our next newsletters in your mailbox, register on our website!