As previously announced, a proposal will be submitted as part of the 2024-2032 Thematic Networks competition of the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS) for the creation of a brand-new interdisciplinary and intersectoral research network, the CARING Network. If this network is selected, its funding and activities can start in April 2024.

Support work for the proposal is progressing well. Now, all researchers, clinicians, teachers, trainers, managers, students, patient partners, and caregivers can express their interest in becoming members of this new intersectoral and interdisciplinary research network.

To become a member of the CARING Network, we invite you to fill out the short membership form available at the following link.

We kindly ask you to complete this form by June 11.

About the CARING Network

The CARING Network is an interdisciplinary and intersectoral research network with a mission to support the development, evaluation, and sustainable implementation of innovative healthcare practices with and for all care providers.

By practices, we mean practices that empower users, practices of solidarity with caregivers, as well as interprofessional, inter-organizational, and intersectoral practices throughout the care continuum. These practices contribute to the well-being of all care providers from a perspective of sustainable health.

Beyond traditional professional structures, the CARING Network takes a fresh, inclusive approach in considering all care providers who comprise the socio-health fabric.

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