Christine Maheu, RN, Ph.D., and her colleagues have recently been recognized for the exceptional quality of their article published in the Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal and its significant contribution to improving nursing practices in oncology. The award was presented by the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology. The announcement was made publicly on October 22nd at Niagara Falls (Ontario) during the association's annual conference.

The article's co-authors also include other RRISIQ members, namely Ms. Sylvie Dubois, Ms. Sylvie Lambert, Ms. Maude Hébert, and Ms. Wing Lam Tock.

Titled "A proof-of-concept study of iCope: A nurse-led psycho-educational telephone intervention for women attending a rapid diagnostic center for breast abnormality," this article discusses the acceptability of a psycho-educational telephone intervention (iCope) offered by a nurse and its potential impact on anxiety, uncertainty, and coping in women suspected of having breast cancer. The authors report that, despite implementation challenges, encouraging trends were observed in improving women's anxiety and uncertainty.

Ms. Maheu is also the co-principal investigator of the next development and evaluation phase of the iCope intervention, namely a randomized controlled pilot study. The Fondation cancer du sein du Québec has recently granted significant funding to Ms. Maheu and her colleagues to conduct this new study phase. The first phase received financial support from RRISIQ for Ms. Maheu and her colleagues.

We warmly congratulate Ms. Maheu and her colleagues for the excellence of their work and these achievements. We wish them the best of success in the next phase of their research.

To access the article written by Ms. Maheu and her colleagues, click here.

To learn more about the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology and their annual conference, click here.

To learn more about the Fondation cancer du sein du Québec, click here.

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