Application Deadline:  November 30, 2015 
We are pleased to share that the first phase of a two-phase call for applications under Healthy and Productive Work  has now been launched.  
Healthy and Productive Work, a joint initiative of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), is aimed at driving innovative, evidence-informed and gender responsive solutions to work and labour market challenges to improve the health and productivity of Canada’s diverse workforce. 
Details of the initiative and application requirements can be found on the CIHR Web site. Webinars will be held to communicate details of the initiative.  For more information and to register, please visit the CIHR Web site or register directly by selecting one of the following presentations:
A partner linkage tool has been developed to facilitate collaborations across research disciplines as well as researcher-partner linkage (e.g. workers, employers, policy-makers, regulators, clinicians, insurers, service providers, workplace safety and insurance boards, unions, professional associations, and other stakeholders across sectors). Those interested are encouraged to make use of this tool to connect with others with related interests for the development of projects. 
For questions, please contact: 
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