mahee-gilbert-ouimet-et-lilly-lessard-engThe Quebec Network on Nursing Intervention Research (RRISIQ) is pleased to announce that Ms. Mahée Gilbert-Ouimet has recently joined the RRISIQ Steering Committee. She will represent the Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR) on the committee. Ms. Gilbert-Ouimet is a professor in the Department of Health Sciences at this university and holds the Canada Research Chair in Sex and Gender in Occupational Health. We welcome her to this committee.

We also extend our warmest thanks to Ms. Lily Lessard for her service and contribution to the committee. Ms. Lessard represented UQAR on this committee since 2019.

The RRISIQ Steering Committee is formed by the co-directors and members representing each of the network's partner universities. The steering committee ensures that the network operates fairly and transparently and supports the co-directors in their decisions.

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