Presented by:
Chantal Roy, MSc MBA PMP CCRP
Assistant to the Head of Applied Clinical Research Unit (URCA)
& Assistant to the Director, Clinical Research Sector
CHU Sainte-Justine Research Centre

The presentation is open to anyone interested in the issue of budget planning for a clinical study. Topics discussed will include budgeting methods, steps involved in developing a budget, critical parameters to consider, pitfalls to avoid, the Excel spreadsheet, budget justification, tips to facilitate data entry into e-forms (eg. CIHR) and concepts on the issue of budget monitoring after funding has been awarded.

Registration: before November 17th, 2014- Click on the blue button on the top left side of this page ( only for people onsite)
Videoconference : Please contact:  before November 17th, 2014

Event 113/135