Nancy Feeley, N, PhD
Associate Professor
Ingram School of Nursing
McGill University

Sylvie Lambert, N, PhD
Assistant Professor
Ingram School of Nursing
McGill University

Melanie Berubé, N
PhD student
Ingram School of Nursing
McGill University

Christine Genest, N, PhD
Assistant Professor
Faculté des sciences infirmières
University of Montreal

General description of this presentation : We will describe the goals of studies seeking to develop a nursing intervention and the varied approaches that can be utilized by the researcher to systematically develop an intervention. We will illustrate varied approaches to this process by describing specific examples from the work of four different investigators (RRISIQ members and students).

Who will find this presentation of interest : students, researchers and clinicians who are interested in learning about different approaches to developing interventions and understanding where this process fits within the overall process of intervention development and assessment of efficacy.

Domains of clinical interventions that will be described include :

  • Promotion of post-traumatic growth in suicide survivors (Christine Genest)
  • Preventing the transition from acute to chronic pain following a serious orthopedic trauma injury (Melanie Bérubé)
  • Promoting self-care in caregivers of persons with cancer (Sylvie Lambert)
  • Helping mothers of preterm infants manage their anxiety and learn to interact effectively with their infant (Nancy Feeley)

Registration only for onsite people: Online

Event 92/136