by Dr Brett Thombs

William Dawson Scholar and Associate Professor, McGill University

Senior Investigator, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Jewish General Hospital

Dr Thombs will describe a relatively new, not well known clinical trial design, as well as a study he is currently conducting using this design. The advantages and disadvantages of this novel design will be highlighted. This presentation will be of interest to experienced researchers interested in learning about this design as an option for their future studies. Students will also find it useful to learn about a design not included in quantitative methods text books.

1. If you wish to attend the conference by video, it is essential to notify no later than December 15th 2013.
2. An internal reservation of videoconference services at your institution is also required to assure your participation in the event.

Visioconference sites already confirmed:
- Université McGill - Burnside Hall salle 107
- UQAC- Local : P2-4100
- U Laval, Local : 3522
- McMaster University - MDCL-2247

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