Special conference organized by the Nursing Faculty of Université Laval in collaboration with RRISIQ to be presented by:

Dr Tiny Jaarsma

Professor,  Faculty of Health Sciences, Linköping University, Sweden

Dr Jaarsma’s research focuses on the consequences of Heart Failure for patients and their families, both in hospital or home care. Keywords of her research are disease management, quality of life, patient education and self-care.


  1. If you wish to attend the conference by video, it is essential to notify catherine-ameli.ledoux@umontreal.ca  no later than December  8th   2013.
  2. An internal reservation of  videoconference services at your institution is also required to assure your participation in the event.

Visioconference sites already confirmed:
- FSI -UdeM, Pavillon Marguerite d'Youville, local 1084
- CLSC Huntingdon,salle 302
- ICM -Salle C-3430
- Usherbrooke - Longueuil 2635
- Usherbrooke - Sherbrooke Z7-3036
- UQAC - Local : P2-4140
- Hôpital Sacré-Cœur -Salle du Conseil (J-1125)
- CSSS du Lac-Des-Deux-Montagnes, Hôpital de St-Eustache, Salle : Mirabel
- CLSC de Verdun, salle 346
- Hôpital Richardson, Salle J202, 2eétage
- CLSC René-Cassin, Salle 35, 6e étage
- IUCPQ - Y-3330
- CSSSS Haut-Richelieu(HHR-2 Local-dsi X-2229)
- Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de Sao Paulo (EEUSP)
- CHUQ -Hôpital de l'Enfant-Jésus (P-2145)  
- CHA Quebec (E2-03)    
- CHUL  A2804.3
- Hotel- Dieu de Québec (2650 CRCEO)
- Hôpital Saint-François d'Assise AMPHI
Document to download
Event 128/136