Researching Complex Interventions in Health: The State of the Art

An International Conference

13 – 15 October 2015
University of Exeter, UK at The Rougemont Hotel, Exeter

This conference will bring together leading international contributors like yourself from the field of complex interventions for two days of presentations, workshops and discussion on the latest thinking in applied clinical health services research.

The conference is jointly convened by:
David Richards, University of Exeter Medical School, UK and Ingalill Rahm-Hallberg, Lund University, Sweden
Keynote speaker:  Peter Craig, University of Glasgow, UK, lead author of the MRC guidance on Complex Interventions.

There will be a pre-conference workshop by Charles Abraham and colleagues onBehaviour Change: Intervention Design and Evaluation during the afternoon of Tuesday 13th October. This workshop is an additional £30 to attend for full conference delegates only. There are a limited number of spaces for the workshop. There will be an option to register for the workshop on the booking page.

The conference is supported by the European Science Foundation.

Registration & More informations : Exeter Online Store
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