In this section you will find all the news articles written by the RRISIQ team. Whether it is to summarize our past events (workshops and conferences), to announce a competition for fellowships or grants, to announce events and competitions by other organizations and institutions that can be of interest to our members, or many other occasions, this section contains all the latest RRISIQ news!

RRISIQ newsApril 28, 2023

Contribute to the development of the orientations of the brand-new Réseau SOIN !

As part of the work for the proposal of the new Réseau SOIN to the 2024-2032 thematic network competition of the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQS), the Quebec Network on Nursing Intervention Research (RRISIQ) invites its members and any other to...
RRISIQ newsApril 4, 2023

Members' opinions on the 2022-2023 RRISIQ funding competitions

In total, seventeen (17) people participated in this anonymous consultation. The results suggest that the 2022-2023 funding competitions were highly appreciated.The results obtained will allow us to improve the offer of future funding competitions. We want to thank all the participants in this consultation.
RRISIQ newsApril 3, 2023

Results of the approval of the 2023-2024 Budget Orientations

In the last few weeks, the regular members of the Quebec Network on Nursing Intervention Research (RRISIQ) were invited to express their opinion on the major budgetary orientations for the 2023-2024 period. Of the 93 participants in the consultation, 90 approved the major budgetary orientations, which represents a support rate of 97% ! 
RRISIQ newsMarch 7, 2023

Recipients of the 2022-2023 RRISIQ funding competitions

Twenty-one (21) applications were submitted to the funding competition for innovative and structuring projects, grant applications, and publications. Nearly CA$ 425,000 in funding was granted through these competitions. In the coming weeks, we will present a portrait of the work funded by the RRISIQ through these competitions. In the meantime, we present a summary of the grants awarded in each competition. We congratulate all applicants and their research teams for this funding!
RRISIQ newsMarch 2, 2023

Feedback on the 2022-2023 funding competitions

Until March 15, 2023, you can send us your comments and suggestions. A short form is available for this purpose.
RRISIQ newsJanuary 21, 2023

Precision regarding the submission of applications to the 2022-2023 RRISIQ competition

Some people have reported technical difficulties registering their research team members on the PDF forms for the 2022-2023 RRISIQ competitions. As such, please ensure that all members of your research team are listed on your form before submissio...