In the last few weeks, the regular members of the Quebec Network on Nursing Intervention Research (RRISIQ) were invited to express their opinion on the major budgetary orientations for the 2023-2024 period. Of the 93 participants in the consultation, 90 approved the major budgetary orientations, which represents a support rate of 97%

Three participants formally abstained from voting, and none of the participants rejected the proposed orientations. The participation rate in the consultation was 52%.

As presented at the last Annual General Meeting, the major budgetary orientations for 2023-2024 are as follows.

Major budget item Amount allocated
Management and coordination 136 600 $
Concertation activities 40 000 $
Structuring initiatives 400 000 $
Knowledge dissemination and transfer activities 75 000 $
Common research resources 80 000 $
Total 731 600 $

We invite all RRISIQ members to view the presentation made at the last Annual General Meeting for details on each major budget item.

We thank all the regular members who took part in this approval.

News 21/174