The Quebec Network on Nursing Intervention Research (RRISIQ) has launched a broad consultation in recent weeks to obtain the opinion of its regular members, partners, and students on the 2022-2023 funding competitions. Members of the RRISIQ were invited to offer their opinions on several elements of these competitions. Participants in the consultation were also allowed to leave comments and suggestions.

In total, seventeen (17) people participated in this anonymous consultation. The results suggest that the 2022-2023 funding competitions were highly appreciated. Most participants fully agreed with the clarity and reasonableness of the competition objectives, eligibility and assessment criteria, and the conditions to which applicants must agree if they receive funding. The ease of use of the application forms and the time given to prepare an application received mixed feedback.

Suggestions offered by participants included announcing the competitions earlier, revising the opening dates (e.g., to accommodate holidays), sending more communications related to the competitions, increasing the annual frequency of the competitions, and increasing the space allotted for certain sections of the application form.

The results obtained will allow us to improve the offer of future funding competitions. We want to thank all the participants in this consultation.

Click here to consult the list of funded applications for the 2022-2023 RRISIQ funding competitions.

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