In collaboration with partners, the Quebec Network on Nursing Intervention Research (RRISIQ) announces that it is preparing an application for a new research network grant. This application will be submitted to the "Thematic Networks / 2024-2032" program of the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS). A pre-application was submitted last October to this program for the creation, in 2024, of the CARING network: CARing and INnovating toGether for health.

The CARING network will mobilize researchers from various disciplines and sectors and will be supported by the RRISIQ scientific community. The mission of the CARING network will be deployed along four strategic axes: 1) empowerment and care experiences; 2) caregiving and proximity care; 3) health environments and safety of care; 4) implementation of innovations. The first three axes will focus on developing and evaluating innovations to address unmet health needs and priorities in Quebec. The fourth axis will focus on adopting complementary methodological approaches to evaluate the implementation process and the efficiency of these innovations in real contexts. Therefore, the agile and sustainable implementation of innovations will be at the center of the CARING network's priorities to achieve tangible benefits in terms of sustainable health. Projects will be developed using in an interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach through partnership with clinicians, decision-makers, users, families, and communities. 

Over the upcoming few months, RRISIQ members will be consulted to provide feedback on the orientations of this new network and the activities and strategies planned to foster support for the next generation, knowledge mobilization and equity, diversity, and inclusion. We invite all members of the RRISIQ to stay tuned for upcoming consultation activities.

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