Conference presented at the scientific activities of the Research Group on equity of access and organization of primary health care services (GRÉAS 1) on April 11, 2013 at the Direction de santé publique de l'Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal.

Presentation Summary : In a few years, Quebec should have 500 nurse practitioners specialized in primary care (IPS -PL). In 2002, Bill 90 gave these nurses - with a 2nd cycle university degree  - the extended right to practice. In 2010, the government announced significant investments to implement a plan to deploy 500 IPS- PL. The model put forward is based on the idea that, in collaboration with a physician partner , IPS -PL will very autonomously care for patients with common health problems or chronic stable disease. The presentation discusses the first results of a research project in progress on the deployment of IPS- PL Quebec. The project is based on a systematic review of the literature and a multiple case study. Six themes that must be taken into account to support the deployment of IPS- PL and ensure the success of this intervention are discussed.

Speaker: Damien Contandriopoulos is a professor at the Faculty of Nursing and co-head of the axis Policy and Ethics Research Institute of Public Health of the University of Montreal (IRSPUM) and is co-leader of RRISIQ's Knowledge Transfer platform. His research focuses on the development of policies on the control of the health system and the transfer of knowledge.

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