This section contains past and future RRISIQ events (workshops and conferences). It is possible to filter among the different categories of events by checking the boxes below the calendar.

RRISIQ eventMarch 19, 2024 12:00:00 - 13:00:00

Analyses longitudinales : un survol des approches et applications en sciences infirmières [in French].

This webinar will provide an overview of the different approaches to analyzing longitudinal data, ranging from simpler methods to more complex modeling techniques. The webinar is offered free of charge and is open to everyone. However, registration is mandatory to participate. This webinar will be recorded, and the recording will be made publicly available a few days after the event.
RRISIQ eventMarch 5, 2024 12:00:00 - 13:00:00

Optimisez vos chances ! Trucs et astuces pour rédiger avec succès une demande de bourse doctorale [in French].

This presentation is aimed at both new doctoral candidates and those who have already started their doctoral journey, who wish to optimize their chances of obtaining funding. The webinar is offered free of charge and is open to everyone. However, registration is mandatory to participate. This webinar will be recorded, and the recording will be made publicly available a few days after the event.
RRISIQ eventFebruary 27, 2024 12:00:00 - 13:00:00

Miro Matisiwin : exemples de trois projets réalisés en contexte autochtone [in French].

This presentation will focus on three distinct and complementary projects related to the health of First Nations in urban settings. Ethical aspects, methodologies, and various modes of knowledge dissemination will be discussed. The webinar is offered free of charge and is open to everyone. However, registration is mandatory to participate. This webinar will not be recorded.
RRISIQ eventFebruary 20, 2024 12:00:00 - 13:00:00

Une approche innovante de co-design en santé : pistes pour la recherche [in French].

This webinar will address the contribution of a co-design approach within the context of a health research project, as well as the elements that promote the inclusion and support of participants in a co-design activity. The webinar is offered free of charge and is open to everyone. However, registration is mandatory to participate. This webinar will not be recorded.
RRISIQ eventFebruary 13, 2024 12:00:00 - 13:00:00

Introduction aux méta-analyses et aux analyses de modération : comprendre leur utilisation lors de la réalisation de synthèses des connaissances [in French].

This webinar will introduce participants to the main statistical methods for data synthesis used in systematic reviews of intervention effectiveness, namely meta-analyses and moderation analyses. The webinar is offered free of charge and is open to everyone. However, registration is mandatory to participate. This webinar will not be recorded.
RRISIQ eventFebruary 6, 2024 12:00:00 - 13:00:00

Communiquer la science en santé: plus qu’un simple résumé [in French]

This webinar aims to acquaint participants with the various mediums used for science popularization, to introduce them to the writing of popular science articles, and to expose them to examples of science popularization projects. The webinar is offered free of charge and is open to everyone. However, registration is mandatory to participate. This webinar will be recorded, and the recording will be made publicly available a few days after the event.