Sylvie Cossette, Ph
Full professor, Université de Montréal, FSI
Codirector, RRISIQ

Sylvie Cossette, RN, PhD is Assistant Dean – Research and International Development –, Full Professor at Faculté des sciences infirmières at Université de Montréal, and researcher at Montreal Heart Institute.  She was codirector for RRISIQ until 2015. Her research is centered on the development and evaluation of interventions to facilitate recovery in cardiac patients and their families.

Nancy Feeley, PhD
Associate professor, McGill University, ISoN
Codirector, RRISIQ

Nancy Feeley, RN, PhD is Associate Professor, Ingram School of Nursing, McGill University, and Senior Researcher, Center for Nursing Research and Lady Davis Institute.  She holds a Senior Research Scholar Career Award from FRQS.  She is also Co-Director of RRISIQ.  Her program of research focuses on the psychological adjustment and parenting behavior of parents in the perinatal period, particularly those whose infant is born premature.

Tanya Mailhot, PhD candidate

Tanya Mailhot, RN, PhD candidate at the Faculté des sciences infirmières of Université de Montréal  and also  a RRISIQ and MELS fellow. She has conducted an experimental pilot study testing a complex intervention with patients suffering with delirium after cardiac surgery and their caregivers.


The usefulness, even the necessity, of undertaking a pilot study in order to develop and evaluate a complex intervention in health sciences is now widely recognized. Together with RRISIQ, we have used an array of means to conduct these pilot studies to evaluate the feasibility and the acceptability of the design of the envisioned study and the experimental intervention studied. We summarize this work from previous experiences we’ve had during pilot studies from the last few years. We will discuss “good” practices concerning research questions essential to meeting the general goals of a pilot study and we will contrast them “bad” research questions. The “ugly” questions when reporting the pilot study results to make a subvention application will also be discussed.

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