Jewish General Hospital - 34th Department of Nursing Annual Symposium
Nursing, Health and Healthcare

Organizational health care restructuring, budget cuts and shortage of health professionals have prompted changes in nursing staff mix.

When mainly cost-driven, the resulting staff mix may impact patient acuity, resulting in serious clinical errors and creating an environment which does not allow nurses to fulfill their commitment to provide safe, competent and ethical care.

This symposium will be of interest to health care providers, nurse managers and administrators, employers, researchers, educators, regulators and policy-makers.

Educational objectives:

  • Learn about nursing staff mix decision-making and how it relates to care delivery.
  • Explore tools and strategies for creating a staff mix that responds to patient needs and optimizes outcomes for clients, staff and organizations.
  • Discuss and discover ways to deliver highest quality care to all patients, thereby reducing errors and enhancing patient outcomes. 
Join us for a thought-provoking day as we hear from prominent nursing leaders on current issues and strategies which impact nursing staff mix and patient acuity.

Continuing Education for Nurses: 6.0 accredited hours.

  • The event is bilingual and simultaneous translation will be provided.
  • Continental breakfast, buffet lunch, AM and PM breaks, during 3.5 hours of exhibits.

Keynote Speakers

Irmajean Bajnok, RN, PhD
Director of International Affairs and Best Practice Guidelines Centre
Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO)

Ann Casey, RN, MSc
National Clinical Workforce Lead, NHS Improvement; 
Assistant Chief Nurse, University College Hospital London; 
Clinical and Professional Advisor, UK Care Quality Commission, 
London, UK

Keith Hurst, PhD
Independent Researcher and Analyst,
Health and Social Care Workforce Planning and Development; 
Editor, International Journal of Healthcare Quality Assurance, 
Nottingham, UK

Linda McGillis Hall, RN, PhD, FAAN, FCAHS
Associate Dean, Research & External Relations
Kathleen Russell Distinguished Professor
Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


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