Dr. Argerie Tsimicalis
Assistant Professor
Ingram School of Nursing
McGill University

In 2014 and 2015, Dr Tsimicalis developed and taught an introductory, graduate-level, 3-credit research methods to teach students to systematically review, synthesize, and translate knowledge. Of the 23 knowledge synthesis studies, 12 have been published in peer-review journals. The majority of studies were presented at national and/or international conferences (receiving 5 award winning presentations); and 5 projects led to the receipt of grants, bursaries, and training opportunities.

Dr. Tsimicalis will offer a brief overview of knowledge syntheses and provide practical tips and resources to lead or supervise trainees to conduct a knowledge synthesis study.

Please register for this event.

A Zoom conference will be available for participants who are unable to be present on site.

Event 55/136