Presentation - AGM 2022-2023 | Unclassified | February 20, 2023 09:28:00 |
Tentative Agenda - 2022-2023 Annual General Meeting (in French) | Unclassified | January 31, 2023 15:29:00 |
Entente de confidentialité | Unclassified | January 11, 2023 15:03:55 |
RRISIQ presentations at the SIDIIEF 2022 (in French) | Unclassified | November 10, 2022 15:57:41 |
La pratique infirmière au coeur de la décolonisation des soins de santé | Unclassified | July 7, 2022 12:45:59 |
2020-2021 Annual Report | Unclassified | October 6, 2021 14:54:56 |
COVID Survey | Unclassified | July 26, 2021 12:27:54 |
Memoir - Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l’innovation (SQRI) 2022 | Unclassified | June 14, 2021 10:55:07 |
List of publications - Regular researchers - 2020 | Unclassified | June 14, 2021 10:39:15 |
La Télédécision partagée en temps de pandémie. Quand le hochement de tête risque de se transformer en clic de souris. | Unclassified | April 15, 2021 12:53:39 |
At a Distance: « Changing and Adapting Research Practices Ethically During a Pandemic » | Unclassified | March 12, 2021 11:32:55 |
Équité, diversité et inclusion | Unclassified | February 1, 2021 09:01:43 |
Stratégies de recherche en contexte de pandémie | Unclassified | November 2, 2020 11:22:14 |
2019-2020 Annual Report | Unclassified | October 29, 2020 10:10:30 |
List of publications - Regular researchers - 2019 | Unclassified | September 21, 2020 11:15:03 |
COVID Resources | Unclassified | June 5, 2020 11:41:27 |
Inter-Network Initiatives (Spring 2020) | Unclassified | April 3, 2020 08:47:44 |
Economic Analysis in Nursing | Unclassified | February 20, 2020 13:11:17 |
Practical tips and resources to guide a knowledge synthesis study (Reference documents) | Unclassified | February 5, 2020 13:52:08 |
Practical tips and resources to guide a knowledge synthesis study (Presentation) | Unclassified | February 5, 2020 13:45:18 |