In this section you will find all the news articles written by the RRISIQ team. Whether it is to summarize our past events (workshops and conferences), to announce a competition for fellowships or grants, to announce events and competitions by other organizations and institutions that can be of interest to our members, or many other occasions, this section contains all the latest RRISIQ news!
RRISIQ news•December 15, 2022
With partners, RRISIQ is preparing an application for a new research network grant.
The CARING network will mobilize researchers from various disciplines and sectors and will be supported by the RRISIQ scientific community. An application for a new research network grant will be submitted to the "Thematic Networks / 2024-2032" program of the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS).
RRISIQ news•December 13, 2022
Launch of the 2022-2023 funding opportunities to support publications and grant applications
RRISIQ news•December 1, 2022
Launch of the 2022-2023 funding opportunity for innovative and structuring projects
RRISIQ news•November 30, 2022
Important funding is granted to the RRISIQ to continue its activities until 2024
RRISIQ news•November 14, 2022
Science of Nursing and Health Practices - Science infirmière et pratiques en santé publishes a supplement for the 8th SIDIIEF World Congress
A supplement for the journal Science of Nursing and Health Practices - Science infirmière et pratiques en santé has recently been published. This supplement includes 26 abstracts of communications presented at the 8th Secrétariat international des infirmières et infirmiers de l’espace francophone (SIDIIEF) World Congress.
RRISIQ news•November 10, 2022